private photo editing for photographers

private photo editor

Are You Ready To outsource

Have you seen the possibilities, for you personally and for your business, as a result of outsourcing your editing? Time to grow your business, time to spend with your family, or time even to just relax and take a bubblebath! But are YOU ready for an editor?

Yes, you read that correctly, are YOU ready for an editor?

Just because you are a photographer, does not mean you are ready to hire an editor. Hiring an editor before you’re ready will lead to disappointment and discouragement.

Below are 3 qualifiers to determine if it’s the right time for you to hire a private photo editor?

1. know your camera

2. know your style

3. know your budget


It all  starts in camera. A good editor can save an image that wasn’t captured properly. However, the job of an editor is to match your edits, style, and aesthetic. To “save” an entire gallery’s worth of images, would be time prohibitive for your editor.

Also, as the photographer, you would be disappointed with the results if you anticipated that your editor would be able to magically fix all of your images.

Having said that, no editor expects perfection! There is no such thing as a perfect photographer or perfect conditions. There are many moving parts on a wedding day. All editors know this and would never expect a perfect gallery.

But having a comprehensive understanding of your camera settings and proper shooting techniques will make for a successful photographer-editor relationship.


In order for an editor to return a post-product that the photographer loves, it is incumbent upon the photographer to have a strong sense of their brand’s aesthetic and style.

If your not sure how you like your skin tones, or your greens, for example, it will be almost impossible for your editor to “get into your head” and return images that you love! You need to have confidence in your likes and dislikes in order for your editor to successfully replicate it.

The more defined your style is, the better your photographer-editor relationship will be.


If you haven’t budgeted for a private editor, it will be quite stressful when you receive that first bill!

In this BLOG POST I explain 2 steps every photographer can take to make outsourcing a viable option for their business. Implementing one or both of the steps suggested, makes hiring an editor possible for EVERY photography business!

Or you can DOWNLOAD THE GUIDE here, to learn what those steps are. And then, don’t wait another day to change your life!

And if you’re ready to start outsourcing, CONTACT ME HERE, and I will get back with you within 24-48!

If you found this helpful, I have many tutorials on my You Tube Channel where you will find weekly Lightroom editing tips and shortcuts. Be sure and SUBSCRIBE so you’ll never miss them. And please share this with a friend who also loves to edit!

If you have editing questions, never hesitate to reach out. I am always here to help. DM me on Instagram @alisamccormick and let’s chat! I am an open book and love to help others grow on their editing journeys.

Until next time, Happy Editing! 

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